Emergency First Aid Manual – Burn and Scald

Emergency First Aid Manual – Burn and Scald

Burns and Scalds

This refers to injuries caused to the skin by heat, such as electricity, flame, steam, boiling water, chemicals and radiation with temperatures higher than 45°C.

Degree of burn

1. First degree burn
(Outer layer of skin) The victim suffers from pain, a burning sensation and swelling on the skin. The wound is dry and red.

2. Second degree burn
(Second layer of skin is burned) Skin has blisters, swelling and there is intense pain and a burning sensation.

3. Third degree burn
(Extends deeper into the skin, affecting underlying tissue) This includes fat, muscle, nerves and bones. This type of wound is either brown, grey or black in color. The surrounding skin is ripped and has a burnt odor. Fatal complications may occur.

First Aid

First and second degree burns

  1. Cool the burn by placing the burned area under cold (15-25C) running water until the pain is relieved.
  2. Apply an anti-burn ointment and cover the wound with a clean sterile gauze.
  3. If blisters appear, cover the wound loosely with a clean and sterile gauze.
  4. If the burnt area is large or affects a vital organ eg. face and airway, immediately send the victim to the hospital.

Third degree burns

  1. Do not cool the burn as it will cause more infection.
  2. Cover the victim with a clean cloth or blanket to provide warmth. Cover the wound of the victim to protect it against dirt and keep the victim warm.
  3. Immediately send the victim to the hospital.


  1. Do not apply ice on the wound.
  2. Do not apply an unknown ointment on the wound as this may cause infection.
  3. Do not pierce the blisters.If the burnt area is large or affects a vital organ, call an ambulance immediately.

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