الاستعداد للعودة للمنزل

Going Home

Below is the check list on going home (discharge) for the patient with or without insurance coverage, the followings need to be discussed at your first admission date or during your hospitalization: medical report, fit to fly certificate (if you are a passenger from Suvarnabhumi International Airport), CD ROM of Chest x-ray, MRI or CT Scan and home medication (with colored printed form of instruction)

Besides the above documents, the followings should be provided on a case by case basis: orthocard (for a patient with after spine surgery), appointment slip, receipt or invoice (for a self-pay or insurance coverage)

For Airlines Tickets, please contact our Customer Service for booking, confirmation or purchasing new flight tickets

Repatriation Service: This service is provided with an aviation doctor or aviation nurse based on treating doctor’s travel recommendation.